Switch to Linux!
From Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows11/comments/1as1yjk/microsoft_in_their_infinite_wisdom_has_replaced/
Maybe stop telling people what OS to use? Even if I would have ever considered switching to linux, its users are so god damn annoying that I would never do so now
doing something against better judgement out of stubbornness harms no one but yourself. be my guest…
Yeah, if Linux wants to become an alternative OS for average folks, its users need to stop being so evangelical and obnoxious. I’m sure there are linux users who don’t blow goats, they’re just not on lemmy, or they’re keeping quiet.
I’m sorry but that makes no sense. However much you may think Linux users are annoying, marketing and word of mouth are what drive popular choices. If nobody ever brings up something, then average folks will never even know it exists.
And you people are doing a great job driving people away from Linux.
Of course Linux users are annoying, who isn’t sometimes? Promoting this self-own mindset isn’t good for you or other users. Is good for Microsoft however…