It wasnt even me who made it up it just sounded plausible and i rolled with it
It wasnt even me who made it up it just sounded plausible and i rolled with it
Yeah but its funny because its clear the post isnt about the graph it self
Ahh the one us cent meal
The graph is fucked btw. Read the values its different than the bars. Also a gaph like this should set the starting point for everything on the same level and only show the change not how much it changed by. You could put a car on this graph and shiw how its price increased by 100$ which would blow out all the other data even though its price only changed by 1% for example.
Automation. You replace the user with a script that does everything. Not that hard. Captchas dont really work anymore with ai, and you can pay people to do it for you for a fraction of a cent instead of the absurd prices listed.
I almost commented something like “thats extremely overpriced, why dont you set up a raspberry pi to do it for you for free” and then i realized the people who could do that dont need fake stars.
Its not good that some of these are instant. I guess they try to make it look organic.
Or just use a normal phone that costs third as much. Or just use a pocket laptop if thats what you need because those can run linux and windows.