The latter.
And, star trek.
Some IT guy, IDK.
The latter.
And, star trek.
I’m hoping the answer is money.
It won’t be, but I can hope.
I’ll just say, compared to my day job, I’d rather be a goat farmer.
This shit is fucked.
That violates the rules!
You rebel.
Yeah, I have a ton of time into HL/HL2/CS:GO/Audiosurf/PvZ
Pretty much all of that was lost.
I did a quick Google search and according to some commenters on websites, the great reset was around 2010.
I’ve been on steam since the early days, I think I installed it around the time that blue shift came out? I forget. But back then, if you had any HL2 title, and you put that into steam, you would get what is now known as “the orange box” (more or less). So, yeah, I got a bunch of valve games basically free and I’ve only expanded that collection.
Recently I’ve tapered my spending on games because life/work/family doesn’t allow me a lot of time to play. Which is probably why I like satisfactory so much. If I get an hour, I can build my factory, save it half complete and go back and continue building later.
The biggest thing that I feel like SF has going for it, is that they give you all the tools, tell you the objectives and let you figure everything else out. You have 100% control over how you accomplish the task at hand. You can save/quit anytime you would like, and there’s no demands to get things done in a particular timeframe.
You can save halfway through a build, and you’ll come right back to where you left off. Most games now-a-days are match based, once you’re in a match, you feel obligated to finish the match, and there’s seasons or limited time objectives that you must play a minimum amount in order to even have a chance of getting… There’s just so much pressure, micro-transactions, and effort required.
A nontrivial amount of my gaming time was reset by steam around 2010… IDK why, but there are games on my steam account that I know I’ve sunk over 100 hours into that show zero hours.
Right now, one of my highest is satisfactory, sitting around 1500+ hours.
In this thread: mostly people that don’t know how timekeeping works on computers.
This is already something that we’re solving for. At this point, it’s like 90% or better, ready to go.
Time keeping, commonly, is stored as a binary number that represents how many seconds have passed since midnight (UTC) on January 1st 1970. Since the year 10,000 isn’t x seconds away from epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z), where x is any factor of 2 (aka 2^x, where x is any integer), any discrepancies in the use of “year” as a 4 digit number vs a 5 digit number, are entirely a display issue (front end). The thing that does the actual processing, storing and evaluation of time, gives absolutely no fucks about what “year” it is, because the current datetime is a binary number representing the seconds since epoch.
Whether that is displayed to you correctly or not, doesn’t matter in the slightest. The machine will function even if you see some weird shit, like the year being 99 100 because some lazy person decided to hard code it to show “99” as the first two digits, then take the current year, subtract 9900, and display whatever was left (so it would show the year 9999 as “99”, and the year 10000 as year “100”) so the date becomes 99 concatenated with the last two (now three) digits left over.
I get that it’s a joke, but the joke isn’t based on any technical understanding of how timekeeping works in technology.
The whole W2k thing was a bunch of fear mongering horse shit. For most systems, the year would have shown as “19-100”, 1900, or simply “00” (or some variant thereof).
Edit: the image in the OP is also a depiction of me reading replies. I just can’t even.
Oh. Can it be run by the government, and provided to anyone who pays taxes (either currently, in the past, or someone that will in the future, like a child)?
That would be great.
I think you just invented socialized healthcare.
I couldn’t give less of a fuck what his political ideologies are.
It never even crossed my mind he was on the right nor that he would be on the left.
I will say, doing something for the greater good is a very leftist ideology, however doing something out of anger and vengeance would be more universal. Regardless of motivation, the thing he accomplished will (hopefully) be something that inspires change, specifically in regards to healthcare in the USA.
I’m not an American, and your healthcare, or lack thereof, isn’t really my problem. That being said, I’m more left leaning, and I believe in social programs (like healthcare for all). I have government healthcare where I am and as someone on the lower end of the “economic ladder” let me tell you, it’s pretty great. Sure, I might have to wait longer for some procedures, but if I’m upset about that, I can go to my GP and have my feelings checked… for free.
Is it bad that I read that last section in the super fast barely intelligible voice they use in medication ads?
Where’s my pitchfork?
Healthcare should not be profit driven.
You asked me to.
I’m glad that I live in a country with socialized healthcare.
Greed was a useful trait when it was down to survival of the fittest before we developed agriculture.
After that, the usefulness of greed became less relevant over time, and I would argue that at this point, it’s counter productive.
Just saying.