God I can eat that taco right now… the whole damn thing…
God I can eat that taco right now… the whole damn thing…
I like the two eagles the blue sausage kind of scares me though
Gatorade starting to screw this stuff up though. There’s two purples and five different oranges now. You’ve got fierce and cool adjectives, and the strawberry lemonade is something in between orange and red, there’s gatorlyte,zero sugar. You send somebody in for an orange there’s literally five choices now.
Pick me up a red, like the old red not the new red, not the cool red not the Gator lyte red, not the fast twitch red.
They’ve hit their market cap and they’re just dying to sell more soft drink. Just a little more capitalism decomposing.
I didn’t come on your post and say you shouldn’t use Firefox. Why are you insinuating that?
Propeller heads: take California
Not because it’s the right song or the right words but because the baseline just slaps
Wow, that’s amazing and insightful. Repeating the same exact thing year after year for something that happened the better part of a decade ago must be exhausting.
The Crypto and the IPFS are there, They don’t even push you to use them. You can even right click the triangle and say remove from browser.
If you want a reasonable gripe, gripe that they’re selling your data. Grape the three default to their own search and sell that data.
Complain about anything interesting that copy and paste is old enough It should be getting ready for high school.
I’ve issued about 300 XPS, 50-60 macbooks, ~12 latitudes, and 10 lenovo t-series over the past decade. We’ve now deployed a handful of Legions, but they’ve only been out several months. I had a fan failure, but it had a 10" hair wrapped around the stator.
In all that time, no XPS/Mac hinge wear failures. Not even a little wiggle. You literally have to mechanically crush them before the hinges show any sign of failure. (a few of them did get crushed)
3 latitude screens cracked. Most started to have hinge play after a couple of years. They’re not bad laptops, but the all-metal chassis of the XPS/Macs hold up a lot better from normal every day carry mispaps.
If you don’t need dedicated graphics cards or metal chassis, you can get away with a lot of brands. Precision has never really impressed me.
I never really understood the purpose of the XPS line anyway. I
Software development and Media work that can benefit from normal consumer video acceleration. They are a lot cheaper than the Precision line and for non-cad/AI tasks and generally outpreform them. The XPS cases are more durable than the latitude and they come with better options for processors and video cards.
From a business standpoint, they were the best option if you needed a normal video accelerator.
Best of luck with it, logging’s always a severe pain in the ass.
Good point!
We’re mostly wfh, If we still had sufficient physical meetings, It wouldn’t break the bank to stuff a few bricks in every room.
The battery life is also significantly better if you’re doing normal meeting stuff.
No I get what you’re asking for I’m just mentioning that sometimes it’s easier to use an application that can read multiple formats than it is to try to finagle everything back into one format.
I’m not sure about your exact ask, I’d probably head towards setting up logstash and elasticsearch. It might be overkill for your needs though.
We’ve been flirting with Lenovo legion. In my business we need strong video cards. Shipping white boxes and monitors to people is a real issue with work from home.
We were solely running XPS for years.
The legion aren’t bad, The worst of it is the power brick is a barrel connector. No running off of USB power delivery.
One of the units had a failed fan. I tore it apart and found the part number, I was actually pretty pissed off because you couldn’t buy just the fan you had to buy the whole heat distribution block with both fans and the heat pipes and everything. But then I found the part was only about 50 bucks. Dell wouldn’t even sell me parts without me being certified. So I bought the Lenovo heat block and it showed up with pre-compounded processor, GPU, and VRM pads. It was super impressive and for 50 bucks honestly it was a steal.
yup, fairly normal. I had to jump through some hoops for my old haproxies
If you’re using let’s encrypt, it’s worth automating the cert renewals. Even for systems where the automation is difficult and not supported.
It’s also worth running some kind of monitoring system. You can check certificates with OpenSSL really easily. Fire off a message to NTFY.
We’re REALLY hoping for a strong leopard season, and much likethe Right, the Left is hoping that the administration hurts the other side more than us, or at the very least both of us enough to make them change their minds. NGL, chances aren’t looking good.
Not going to go as far as to advocate Schadenfreude, but when they take a big hit, I do get a little more hopeful.
and they won’t tell you the price before you get in.
Yeah, you’re not allowed to say anything positive about Brave on Lemmy. Instant downvote. Then downvotes for talking about it being down voted.
It’s like you said something neutral about AI, if you don’t shit on it, they brigade you down.
Yes it’s very good at eliminating cookies, it tracks and sells your data, but not as widely as the big guys.
It’s very good at fingerprint resistance too.
Firefox with UO, privacy badger is very close to it’s level of perf.
You can install stuff to block your telemetry in just about any browser, knock out a lot of your tracking but still get tracked by your browser maker, your OS, your ISP…
But talk about brave, they just get pissy.
Yup, Unifi 8 port POE. I put them in an isolated VLAN where they can’t see other things or get to the web on their own. I download updates for them log into their web interface and push the updates to them when I need it.
Most people even out. But they don’t get any less weird. Adults are less social, and being weird by yourself isn’t a big deal for anyone.