Are there people actually defending Windows for development? In my experience it’s usually like this:
Developer on a Mac: Macs are the best.
Developer on Linux: Linux is the best.
Developer on Windows: My employer bought this computer for me and it sucks but they pay me $150k a year to put up with it so I do.
Pro Tip: If you want to really annoy Windows git users, just put some on Windows “illegal characters” in the filenames before committing. It is even funnier, if the git server has no UI where it could be fixed quickly.
Commit a bunch of perl cpan files with a ton of colons scattered liberally, and watch the fireworks
The filename rules are so weird, it’s not just illegal characters, sometimes the position of the character matters. I discovered a while ago that while windows has no problem with dots in filenames, for some reason they can never be the last character in the name
I’m too deep into Linux to understand this joke