It’s designed and implemented for copy protection. Otherwise you can design a esp32 device that includes software you’ve written and 15 minutes later a clone device with exactly the same software will appear on <insert Chinese electronics website here>
I mostly understand how these fuses prevent say downgrading firmware, but could t a Chinese firm looking to clone one of these also just clone the number of blow. Fuses equally trivially if the goal is just an also working device with stock firmware?
It’s designed and implemented for copy protection. Otherwise you can design a esp32 device that includes software you’ve written and 15 minutes later a clone device with exactly the same software will appear on <insert Chinese electronics website here>
I mostly understand how these fuses prevent say downgrading firmware, but could t a Chinese firm looking to clone one of these also just clone the number of blow. Fuses equally trivially if the goal is just an also working device with stock firmware?