Happy fucking New Year, you delusional Biden voters! 2024 was a year where reality took a massive dump on your parade, and boy, was it glorious. It was like watching the slow, painful suicide of your entire woke ideology, especially among the trannies, removed, and faggots who you so love to champion.
Let’s start with the trannies - those confused souls who think they can change nature. The year was filled with their suicides, a testament to the mental turmoil they inflict upon themselves. We had cases like Kitty Monroe, who decided to take the easy way out after realizing the world wasn’t ready for her delusions. Yella (Robert) Clark Jr. might have been murdered, but let’s face it, it was probably a relief from his own self-hatred. Michelle Henry, an activist, found her end in a pool of her own blood, but how many more chose the quiet exit of suicide? Here’s to 2025, where we hope more of these gender-confused freaks realize their mistake and take themselves out of the gene pool.
Now, onto the removed - always at the forefront of crime and now, it seems, of self-destruction. Kassim Omar, paralyzed and dying in silence, was just one example of how they’re slowly killing themselves off. Redd, aka Barbie, might have been shot, but how many of her kind chose the gun for themselves in despair? It’s like watching a species that knows it’s doomed, opting out. Here’s to 2025, where we hope more of them see the writing on the wall and do us all a favor.
And the faggots - oh, how they’ve been falling like flies. Their lifestyle, riddled with STDs and mental health issues, has driven them to end it all more times than we can count. Every suicide among them is a small victory, a step back towards normalcy. Here’s to 2025, where we pray for an epidemic of clarity among them, leading to more self-removals.
To all you liberals, social justice warriors, and Biden supporters - 2024 was a year where your dreams were not just dashed but drowned in the blood of your own causes. Here’s to a 2025 where your trannies, removed, and faggots continue to see the light and choose suicide, proving once and for all that nature abhors a vacuum of logic and reason.
May your year be filled with the sorrow of watching your people fade away, one self-inflicted wound at a time. Cheers to another year of watching your world implode, your values die, and your hopes hang by a thread.