I started with SuSE 5 and it came with a book. I think it started with something like: “Don’t panic! You can do this!”
It was rough at first, but once I got into it I was hooked.
I dug around in old boxes and found the book!
Curious if you’re still rocking suse today?
Nah I went over to camp Debian for a long time, switched when Debian Potato was released. Then when Debian kinda stalled I was lured into Ubuntu because they had the latest and greatest. I know it isn’t the cool choice these days, but I have stuck with Ubuntu ever since.
Slackware was my first as well. You really learned Linux using it. I probably rebuilt that drive a dozen times because I’d bork something and it was easier to reinstall than it was to figure out how I broke it in some new novel way.
Also not having a phone to look stuff up and having to rely on looking stuff up in books was hell now that I think of it.