The jury is out on whether every finite sequence of digits is contained in pi.
However, there are a multitude of real numbers that contain every finite sequence of digits when written in base 10. Here’s one, which is defined by concatenating the digits of every non-negative integer in increasing order. It looks like this:
0 . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ...
Once upon a time, my landlord’s management company tried to shake me down for an additional day of rent. I pointed out that my rental agreement stated I would pay exactly $x every month, so they can pound sand. They, too, decided to “let it slide.” How magnanimous.
(Edit: I just remembered, first they tried to argue the contract shouldn’t have been written that way so I still had to pay. Wtf.)
I swear they must have created a new spreadsheet with an off-by-one error somewhere and mailed out hundreds of bills instead of double checking.