Maybe an Atom?
Maybe an Atom?
It’s always fun to watch some cheesy action or horror movie from when 3d was being pushed super hard. All of a sudden there’s a scene where things are being flung at the camera for no apparent reason and you say, oh yeah, this was supposed to be 3d.
Cool; another data broker no one’s ever heard of lost a bunch of personal data that no one ever wanted them to have in the first place.
That’s how the Kasa line used to work. Then they stopped letting you skip the account registration and the switches don’t work without an account. And if they can’t talk to the server the LED now flashes instead of just indicating light on/off.
Still works with HA though, so I just put the ones I already have on the IOT network and don’t let them talk to anything but the controller.
That’s fair. Maybe effort is the wrong word. Between the extra money for Netflix or HD space to borrow from my friends on the Internet it never seemed worthwhile over 1080.
11 years ago the biggest bitcoin exchange in the world was a Magic: The Gathering web forum. This was just before said forum shut down and lost ~850,000 Bitcoins.
I have a 4k TV. I don’t think I’ve ever actually watched something on it in 4k because finding the content isn’t worth the effort.
We upgraded the firmware, now you can’t run it without an account.
Fuck you TP-Link.
What market? I don’t have any way of letting my next door neighbor use the power I generate and not letting my neighbor across the street use it so there still needs to be some sort of middleman/distributor.
I assumed OP was taking about the consumer level.
In either case, it seems like blockchain would be an extra layer of complication on something that already exists with no real benefit.
I believe utilities have to pay for excess solar power your panels generate.
So this whole thing is kind of already done with dollars as the token.
I think you can also use
- 80
And use 80 instead of 11808 in the caddy file.
Then the port will be available internally for caddy but not to the outside world. That may also need a network created in docker though. I’m on my phone so I can’t check the finer details at the moment.
That was my first thought too. It seems like that would be an easy way to get sued by advertisers though. You can’t sell stuff to bots.
I find it amusing that this story comes up right next to this other one about German power costing less than nothing because of renewables.
As it turns out, the impact wasn’t too severe. The Waymo cab, to its credit, hit the brakes immediately and avoided knocking the poor little thing over. And moments later, while the robotaxi is still in a daze, the Serve robot drives away like nothing happened.
Smash seems to be overselling it.
It’s also freaking expensive. When I used it occasionally at my last job we’d get reimbursed up to $20. I usually just got the $12 combo and by the time all the fees were added, I still ended up paying $2-3 out of pocket.
I frequently want to watch things that aren’t the latest blockbuster with hundreds of seeders.
If there’s only one person seeding and they aren’t on 24/7 this whole flow falls apart.
Cool. I’ll keep not using either of them.