As little downtime as possible is actually better than having more downtime, as the major problems come from heating/cooling cycles
As little downtime as possible is actually better than having more downtime, as the major problems come from heating/cooling cycles
Some things like vr also just barely work without a powerful GPU
I have a 3060 but with the sheer number of pixels that my reverb g2 has its really not enough
The people who are willing to do more unethical stuff to make a profit make more of a profit, and become more powerful as a natural consequence, so the problem is with the system that incentives this and brings it to the top
but everyone hates the big companies and the rich people
its just that the right has been told that the left are the rich people (and then the left say that the neoliberals are the rich people, etc)
It’s just that the right blames the capitalism on the left and the left blames the capitalism on the right, and the actual liberals end up being barely opposed
I don’t know what the takeaway from that should be, it’s just an observation/simplification that feels generally true