Being a federal holiday doesn’t mean shit in a country with the worst worker protections i the semi-developed world. No mandated holiday pay, no mandated vacations, just shut up and work
Being a federal holiday doesn’t mean shit in a country with the worst worker protections i the semi-developed world. No mandated holiday pay, no mandated vacations, just shut up and work
Homelessness is up 20% over the last 2 years. The pot is already boiling over, I’m not sure what more you think most people have left to lose.
It already sings a song for 30 seconds when the load is done. I understand a notification at a laundromat, but what good is that really in your home?
My parents got a new washer and dryer and they are wifi enabled. Why tf do they need to be wifi enabled? It won’t move the laundry from the washer to the dryer, so it’s not like you can set the laundry and then go about your errands and come home to dry clothes ready to be folded
It’s not a circle, it’s an oval since the text on the ribbon isn’t square.
I love the Expanse. I think it is a very realistic depiction of the future 400 years from now on the path we are on. The power struggles between the Earth and Mars and the Belters caught in the cross fire who are barely considered human. Everything is run ny corporations that only care about profits and will grind down anything that is in the path.
Australia is just an oil company, a coal company, and a mining company disguised as a trench coat. The Liberal party (essentially just American Republicans opposed to guns) spent 2 decades killing any green energy initiatives in favor of fracking the Outback