But apparently not in periods…
But apparently not in periods…
“Love” in the scriptures is typically a verb, e.g., “God so loved the world…” It describes an action that God does, not a feeling. God’s love is his acting in a loving way towards undeserving people.
Christian theologians believe in the impassibility of God, which means that God does not have emotions as humans do. Then biblical texts where emotions are attributed to God are explained as anthropomorphism - God using human language to communicate his nature and actions.
Mostly both.
Red ones go faster.
Yeah, but you lot like queueing, like it’s the national pastime.
Under Christianity, I think children were instructed to hold their hands together in order to discourage fidgeting. I’m not aware of any Biblical reason to clasp hands. In fact, I think in the Old Testament hands were often raised in prayer.