It is but it’s also better for consumers.
Google dominates search by bundling lots of services in one place and destroying all competition. They want you tied in to all their services and to never leave. You ar ethe product and they want to sell every bit of data they can and sell you to advertisers.
The tech giants keep abusing market dominance to dominate new markets. Microsoft bundled Internet Explorer with windiws and destroyed the browser market. Then Google search sites and android aggressively pushes Chrome and now dominates the browser market. Microsoft bundles Teams in Office and destroys Slack; one of many egrarious actions by Microsoft over the years. Apple forces all browsers on iOS to use Safari - so you can’t bypass the Apple app and service marketplace - their 30% cut is too important.
Regulation is needed to break up the domination of these tech monopploes. By separating navigation from search, people get back in the habit of using other services for navigation results.
That might be Google maps, or that might be Bing maps or OpenStreetMaps. But Google can’t use bundling to make consumers too lazy to leave.
It’s a start. A minimal inconvenience for users benefits everyone longer term.
I’d keep the headphones until they break and then replace. You can get a couple of USB-c adaptors and keep ithem with the headphones or in places you frequently charge. It’s still inconvenient but a bit more flexible than having one specific cable you have to fine and use all the time, and the adaptor can’t be confused for anything else so will make the whole charging process a little more straight forward (less fumbling with cables to check it’s the right one).
I wouldn’t buy new headphones just for that.
I have an Sony XM3 and I decided to get an XM5 as I wanted a headset permanently next to my PC and a set for travelling / commuting. Plus I wanted an upgrade because the reviews were so good. To be honest I still much prefer my XM3s, and wish I hadn’t bought the XM5s. They’re good but the build quality and design isn’t quite as good and the noise suppression isn’t that great really (I find sound from fans leak through a lot which is very annoying).
My point is, if you have headphones you like and are comfortable with I wouldn’t rush to give them up as newer isn’t necessarily better. Wait until you need to ad then get something good.