One of the issues with time restarting for one person is that no one else knows it is. And they’re alone in their condition. If everyone’s were to reboot, then everyone would notice
One of the issues with time restarting for one person is that no one else knows it is. And they’re alone in their condition. If everyone’s were to reboot, then everyone would notice
It only takes a single example of a project that presented a clear goal to prove you wrong.
haveibeenpwdn duckduckgo google photobucket email dropbox twitch kickstarter
However… plebbit is just garbage, and it’s obvious
Ahh, I don’t think the question is to be taken that literally. And if you look around in the responses, you see plenty of people with more nuanced answers.
However, you can still have an opinion about the overall organisation regardless of the nuance.
Eyy, someone who actually reads! Last time a post like this popped up it was like arguing with someone who was just reading of a list of “top 10 most popular buzzwords”
Rotten to the core
Nah, people need to know to stay away from this
This again? Stop marketing your shitty crypto scam infused lemmy rippoff
I think you’re confusing “false dichotomy” with “question”. You could argue this if they were talking more in depth about the organisation. But that’s not what’s happening here
Wouldn’t that remove the aspect of no one else believing you?
Facebook got caught having a flat text file being send around between employees to make accessing data easier. That text file contained tens of thousands of peoples username and password.
Why? Facebook being facebook I guess
It happens a bit too often that I make an account somewhere with a long, generated password and then when I log in it throws errors at me.
But a few times a website didn’t just show me an error, I got the whole crash dump including their encryption approach and versioning
Back to the bullshit of the 80’s ey? Just ask out whomever, you can’t read their minds. The only way you’ll know what they think is if you actually go up to them and ask.
This “league” stuff is just an excuse for people who don’t have the courage to talk to their crush
His second debut of thriller isn’t here yet
Some people have learned better, and not all cultures are as bad with this. But unfortunately, the majority of people is still stuck with the social pressure to be or behave in certain ways that are simply not benefitting anyone
“supposed to” as in how some people and social groups except and push particular behaviours from certain individuals. As in women are “supposed to” be in the kitchen.
it’s to present the stupid way some social groups and cultures work
I used to struggle with this game of trying to be perceived the way I am “supposed to”. It’s when I gave up on that game that likeminded people just kinda noticed in everyday interactions.
I’ve made a lot of friends since then, and I’ve got a lot less to worry about
You’re not getting a perfect solution. And with this foresight not having kids is the responsible thing to do. But no matter how weird some governing bodies might behave, you shouldn’t go silent when the world needs people to push for what they think is right.
This situation isn’t absolute. There are still people out there who listen, and want better information. People that do care. If you can reach even one person you have a good chance of saving someone else and/or their kids/loved ones from the threats we see before us
I’m not saying you’re wrong, our future prospects are indeed quite bleak. I was just a bit surprised it’s being accepted this quick already
It does, about 42000 of them just in the patent holding company alone
Oy, I’m the autistic one here. Why am I explaining to you not to take things too literally :p