If CEOs legally must do what benefits the shareholders, than cutting millions in employment costs by swapping CEOs with AI is now their legal obligation
(Probably won’t happen, but I can dream!)
Although I like the concept, I just don’t see a world where UBI does anything helpful. Unless people are able to just not work and all goods are human free/automated. Otherwise companies’ products and housing will rise to meet what they now know you have in income. Give everyone $1k and prices will rise to consume that $1k so you just end up feeding tax dollars into companies mouths. Pay for it by taxing the companies and they will increase prices till they hit the sweet spot intersection of cost/value, but people will still be at a negative because some of that resource pool gets eaten by government management of the UBI system.
May as well do what we used to and tax companies more and put that into social services, at least companies can’t squeeze that from us.
This is how I get my friends >.<
And I don’t get towed after a surgery, or after a (potential) snowfall at 8am, or need written and signed consent to have friends over (parking), or have to sign a release of use of likeness, or pay $5 for a load of laundry, or be not allowed to film/record in my apartment (if ANY public area is in the video, including outside the window), or not be allowed to have the “wrong color” curtains, or not be allowed to have anything on the deck/pattio (of my unit) etc. Etc. Etc.
Edit: Grammar
I actually watched a video covering this topic recently, some other the other potential reasons given for the change was electricity (specifically lights) and entertainment services (theaters, bars, etc.) They correlate since having lights on the streets made it safer and thus the businesses could thrive. But now rather than falling asleep as say 8-9pm when it’s dark and you’ve nothing to do (especially when it’s only candle light), you can go out, watch movies, play games, drink, hang out etc. Which just naturally pushed how far out people stayed up in the night.
This is not fact, just potential explanations given by said video (see: Thoughty2 on YouTube, don’t have the link ATM)
Do one with a fedora so you can say “will you be m’lady?”