The strength of life to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.
That’s partially because like many other words and names (just consider Isis, an important goddess of ancient egypt), “socialism” to most people means the type of absolute control that communist countries usually feature. But of course, as a word/concept, socialism is just the application of socialist policies, not even remotely alluding to some absolute end goal or so. And naturally as a part of society except a tiny minority at the top, most people would benefit from more socialist policies.
*puts down fork* Awww…
How does doing it again under a different URL change anything? Or do you inherently fail to understand that the problem isn’t about a specific site?
I mean the same is true of Youtube or “content creator” culture as a whole, only the money pile there is too big to have imploded (so far).
Well, what do the duty declaration and duty tracking sticker say?
At least over here there ought to be one that tells you what the seller declared the goods and their value as, and another that tells you either the specifics of the duty fee calculated, or one with a large (over here) letter+number combination that tells you which standard category this falls under (usually for duty free packages).
50 on 300 is is ~17%, so that’s a pretty normal duty depending on the goods and which country they originate from.
True, they’ll probably call it Gulf of 'MURICA!
What I as a German take from this is fucking hell was McD in the US cheap before. O.o
I mean it inflated a lot here too, but wow.
I mean, sure Arch is flexible. All good footguns can mutilate me in a bunch of different ways.
Man I sure wish this’d mean all Trump-generated content and speeches got deleted. That’d be genuinely helpful to the world at least…