Well I get the boards from Home Depot or Lowes, 3.5" wide usually. Then using a miter saw then a jigsaw roughly cut them to shape. Then Ideally I’d be using a spoon chisel but for now I use various Dremel bits, a belt grinder and in this one’s case a few files to finalize the shape. Finish them out with a foodsafe wax and oil finish and bobs your uncle
I hope so, it was a housewarming/Christmas gift
I did too and so did who I made this for lol I made the head a tablespoon too
Sounds like you need a break from video games tbh. If you like the role-playing accepts you might try Dnd or another TTRPG.
Hammers, a vice and a MAP gas torch for when the copper becomes work hardened. As for what I do I’m a shoe repairman for a living but I just make stuff in my spare time.
Yeah, just one of the cheapos from a big box store