Most of the problems in the modern world could be solved if the front line people could to each other directly.
Suits are the bottleneck.
Most of the problems in the modern world could be solved if the front line people could to each other directly.
Suits are the bottleneck.
Los Angeles is considered the Movie Capital of the World.
Checkmate, liberal!
Debbie’s password is “PlutoGoofyMickeyMinnieDaffyBugsThorLosAngles”
She was told that the password needed seven characters and a capital.
True story.
I use EZ Pass. I got a letter from them telling me they had taken 46 cents out of my account. The cost of the stamp on the letter was 48 cents.
Keep telling yourself that.
Keep telling yourself that.
Funny how your theory keeps telling you how powerful you are when you can’t get 0.01% of the voters to support you.
But yes, I’m sure all the people who didn’t vote for Bernie or de la Cruz will rush into the streets any day now…
Any day now…
It’s hilarious that the same people who couldn’t get Bernie past the DNC think they can win a revolution.
Claudia De La Crúz, got even fewer votes then Bernie, even when he wasn’t running.
Please, keep telling me about your powerful revolution.
The best candidate was Bernie, but the Socialists failed to outorganize the DNC.
It’s hilarious that the same people who couldn’t get Bernie past the DNC think they can win a revolution.
figure out the correct course of action with that in mind, and must be married to practice.
So, you’re saying I’m right? That we should go out and find the actual best candidates in the next elections and work for them.
Thanks for proving me right. Again.
Nothing there refutes the fact that, in the US, we’re going to have an election before we have a revolution.
Also, if there is a revolution in the US, companies like Blackwater [or whatever name they have this week] are much better prepared to take over than the Socialists. It would be like when the Shah fell in Iran and the religious zealots took over.
I’ll remove my original commnet. However, I still believe that the US is much closer to the next election than it is to a revolution, unless you count a right wing coup as a 'revolution.
If you’re going to twist my words, put them in a friendly pretzel shape.
I kind of think that lloyd’s of London starting as a coffee shop sort of proves that argument.
and when faced with the reasoning you say it’s better to not understand.
If you’re going to try and put words in my mouth, please serve them with guacamole and chips.
So we agree. The New Deal changed people’s lives without needing an actual revolution.
Thanks for helping me prove my point.
I have been having this same argument with people since I was in high school. I’ve seen plenty of elections come and go, and not one revoultion in over 20 years.
I’ll stick with the thing I can see, and leave it to you to dream your dreams.
Nice story. Thank you for posting it
An election without internal revolutionary pressure or a recent example of a successful revolution won’t change anything, though.
Read some of the stories of the people who lived through the New Deal era and tell them that ‘nothing changed.’
Again, the election is going to come before the revolution.
Again, I keep talking about what is practical and do-able and you keep going on with theory.
Again, I point out that you can work for the election and still desire a complete overthrow of the system.
I was educated by old school Communists who fought in Spain and fought the Red Scare at home. One of the stories they always told was that in 1968 they told people to vote for Humphrey over Nixon.
William Gibson pointed out that during the Depression someone could buy a workshirt for about 35 cents and wear it every day to the coal mine, until it was time to pass it on to their kid.