Normal people don’t buy lottery tickets. Hell, normal people can’t save money anymore.
Normal people don’t buy lottery tickets. Hell, normal people can’t save money anymore.
There is no End Game.
They’re insulated from the short term consequences of their actions and believe that infinite growth can exist inside of a finite system. They treat their bank accounts like a high score board instead of resources to use. Their personal actions can be classified as “banality of evil” because it’s so routine and common place in their circles.
People might point to Musk’s old obsession with Mars, but that has been shown to be nothing more then a dopamine feedback loop. He said things that got him praise, so he kept saying them. When people kept asking about missed dates, he got angry and found a different audience for his dopamine feedback loop.
Did we ever think Zuck was genuine with his UBI comments?
So about your consumption…
The American South equals the European East
The prequel trilogy at least had a singular vision, even if it probably got diverted at times. TFA started a new trilogy, but got derailed. TLJ had some interesting ideas, but not ideas for the second part of a trilogy.
The logitech controller was fine, although it was questionable to be using a bluetooth one.
Well, it’s just scientists, so Sealab 2021.
Eventually, the techbros will make a cheaper version and add the pod to the end though.
Can’t have those ticket funds going to digital infrastructure when you gotta get up armored trucks to deal with protesters.
It’s a fine movie, but people really don’t like being reminded of climate change or other environment issues. Same thing with Avatar. If you cast an environmentalist as a villain though, people seem to like it.
I don’t like the thesis of the movie. It had everything going for it, but the script. Ridley Scott seems to not like scientists seeing as how every scientist dies an ironic death.
I haven’t bought new Apple since 2006 as well. Loved the iPod and iTunes from that era. Then the good features got removed and bloated with other shit. That and enshittifing the MacPro line kept me from buying new.
edit: You use to be able to brows and stream other people’s iTunes libraries if you knew their IP address. No friend’s list. No family plan. Just the IP address. It was wonderful.
No war, but the class war.
Tax the fuck out of fossil fuels and build both.
The quickest solution is degrowth, but no one and I mean no one wants to talk about that. My supposedly progressive, boomer friends think I’m mad for suggesting that.
Anything that isn’t a fossil fuel is better then a fossil fuel.
In theory, concentration and expose time could mean that whatever is hurting you in an enclosed garage isn’t a problem outside. Which is some what true. Carbon monoxide bonding to the hemoglobin in your blood cells is what kills you in the first scenario. The CO2 levels take a lot longer to rise to dangerous levels and there’s plenty of warning to leave the area before fixation becomes an issue and it’s still not the same issue as climate change.
In reality, it’s propaganda. But if you want to argue with people, don’t use the enclosed space as an example. Batteries can also offgas and quite frankly, I wouldn’t store some of those cheaper EVs in a garage or at least, an attached garage.
I’ll have to relisten to the review.
Account made two days go…
Ok, madthumbs. Sure.
I never get too invested in any online community, but during covid, I made a discord for some irl friends. We all knew each other irl and understood each other’s sarcasm, but one of them invited someone I had never met and took great offense at any criticism of Biden I would post in the political containment channel. If I posted a critical article or unedited clip, he would start calling me an immature Brunnie Bro. Absolute toxic Facebook brainrot shit. I shortly after made a alt account with a mostly same username, passed admin privileges to that and left. Most of the people on there still are so boomer that I don’t think any of thrm realize that the person in their friends list and the admin account are different.