Which is also an absolutely important thing to keep pointing out. Considering how much we are Awash in revisionist history no matter what side of the political divide you are on.
Which is also an absolutely important thing to keep pointing out. Considering how much we are Awash in revisionist history no matter what side of the political divide you are on.
The beginning was long before that. The beginning was when he didn’t prosecute and punish his would be assassins. Letting them keep their seats in government to be the very ones to erode the small trinkets he won. Fighting dirty won’t bring any lasting change. It needs the support of the people and a willingness to run and serve to protect it. He didn’t have it then and we still don’t have it now. So if a modern Democrat did happen to get something passed in an underhanded Way fighting dirty. It would be undone even faster. If you fight with a pig they will bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.
That’s also literally the reason why everything FDR got has been gutted and is largely gone. He didn’t go about things properly. Instead of trying and hanging the people that plotted to overthrow him. He organized backroom deals allowing them to go free and undo everything he forced them to do.
Republicans can do that because they’ve been largely unified. If a Democrat tried that others in their own party with different agendas would sell them out immediately. Solidarity goes a long long way. And while I hate all the empty campaign lies. You cannot deny that they still work. Trump has made good on it twice now. Not fulfilling his promises that is. But promising the world and delivering nothing. All because Republicans generally have solidarity
Remember when unions thought they were so Irreplaceable and important. That they would withhold Support for a second term from a Democrat, they didn’t think did enough for them. One of the biggest miscalculations and blunders of the post World War II era. Because first they came for the unions and labor power.
Have you considered. That rather than a problem of the Obama administration. That perhaps that’s more an issue of you not setting realistic expectations?
Democrats with anything short of an unassailable commanding majority that could afford the attrition of 10 or more members. Would never be able to do that sort of thing. And they didn’t. Because the Democrat Party is a coalition. Not a monolithic party. It is made up of Democrats, and people who understand how the American election system works. And will do what they can to keep Republicans from as many offices as possible. Democrats at best had a tenuous veto proof majority for not even 2 weeks. And to even get what they got passed. Rapey drowny man who was only a year or two from death. Literally got up out of his hospital death bed to come in and vote.
No one I know who voted for Obama had any serious expectation that we were getting Single Payer. Did we hope that maybe a miracle would happen? Absolutely. But no one expected it. Most of us were pretty chuffed with what we got as lackluster as it was.
And no I’m not saying that we should all love and kiss the ass of liberal Democrats. They talk a good social Progressive talk. But are financially beholden to the problem. Therefore any solutions they have to offer are going to be handicapped at best.
But it’s kind of bullshit for us to attack them over it. If we cannot offer them similar resources and support so that they don’t have to rely on Wealthy oligarchs who are the problem. That’s an us problem. And not a problem of those trying to survive the system as it exists and get elected.
Short of a mass resurgence and re-energization of unions. Or some other similar solidarity group. It’s not going to change either. Because let’s be clear. We’re where we are today. Because back in the '80s unions thought they were so Irreplaceable and secure. They did what third-party voters do now. Withholding support for the only group with a chance of beating the fascist. Thinking that they would teach Democrats a lesson. Only to find out that they were the ones that were learning a lesson. That they were no longer relevant. When first they came for labor and unions. One of the worst miscalculations in post World War II American history. An epic self own. And no one learned.
It’s a byproduct of the week to non-existent DRM and copy protection. It takes zero modding to run Homebrew Etc on them. So The Homebrew Community got started early and built up fairly large and diverse. With such lower barriers to entry.
I picked up one for around $50 I think when they were blowing them out at Best Buy to get rid of their inventory. Still use it from time to time. It was a great little system.
Interesting. Will have to take a look at it later. I currently use Jellyfin and don’t have many issues. The only thing that might be a pain point is tuner support. I didn’t see anything mentioned. But looks nice otherwise. And intrigued to see its largely in Go.
And hardware that’s GENERATIONS behind.
Computers have always been good at pattern recognition. This isn’t new. LLM are not a type of actual AI. They are programs capable of recognizing patterns and Loosely reproducing them in semi randomized ways. The reason these so-called generative AI Solutions have trouble generating the right number of fingers. Is not only because they have no idea how many fingers a person is supposed to have. They have no idea what a finger is.
The same goes for code completion. They will just generate something that fills the pattern they’re told to look for. It doesn’t matter if it’s right or wrong. Because they have no concept of what is right or wrong Beyond fitting the pattern. Not to mention that we’ve had code completion software for over a decade at this point. Llms do it less efficiently and less reliably. The only upside of them is that sometimes they can recognize and suggest a pattern that those programming the other coding helpers might have missed. Outside of that. Such as generating act like whole blocks of code or even entire programs. You can’t even get an llm to reliably spit out a hello world program.
They’re “technically” correct. That’s what Torvalds initially created it as. But what it initially was, and now is are very different things. I’m sure they would call OSX a BSD replacement and not a Windows replacement. Despite many people replacing windows with it. It’s pedantically obtuse.
Right now the biggest wall from wider consumer adoption of Linux. Is honestly, simply the lack of systems offered to consumers with it. Outside of a few games with kernel level anti cheat. Or highly proprietary specialized softwares. There’s very little that you cannot currently do on Linux that you can do on Windows.
Your Average user/consumer doesn’t install any operating system. Whether it is Windows Linux or Mac OS. They simply run what the computer came with. And that’s always been windows unless it is an Apple computer. That’s part of what the 1999 antitrust suit would have sought to remedy. Microsoft punished any company that had dared to even offer systems with Linux for a long time. And nothing was ever really done to stop it.
Perhaps. But I think I may have figured out their logic… no bears under water. So they won’t have to worry about bear attack while drowning from lack of maintenance