Sounds like The Nothing from ‘the neverending story’.
Sounds like The Nothing from ‘the neverending story’.
To add to this. If you can’t sleep after about 15-20 minutes get out of bed and do something to relax your brain. Reading or meditating works well. Definitely no phone or TV, don’t read anything captivating. Read something boring you aren’t into. After you feel ‘sleep pressure’ go back to bed.
Over time this helps your body associate the bed with just sleeping. But it takes time and dedication. Find a routine.
Also highly recommend always going to bed and getting up at the same time, even weekends.
Also most of that inflation was the last few years, driven mostly by corporate greed. Not from rising company expenses.
Fights happen for sure. But the reason? She has no fore thought.
Left on read
Is there a streaming model that better supports artists, has a large catalog of music, and is reasonably affordable?
It’s 1995, some kid on the playground is telling you his dad works for Nintendo. Claims he played some new 3d Mario game. Thinks you believe his made up stories…
I think that beer on the right is 440mL.
“He has to give me a new name. He’s already chosen it. He just has to call it out.”