The particular example was getting clock-like behavior without a clock. It had an incomplete circuit that used RF reflection or something very similar to simulate a clock. Of course, removing this dead-end circuit broke the design.
The particular example was getting clock-like behavior without a clock. It had an incomplete circuit that used RF reflection or something very similar to simulate a clock. Of course, removing this dead-end circuit broke the design.
Yes, resistive heat is expensive, but that’s only part of what makes heat pumps in cars more effective. They don’t just heat your cabin, they heat your battery so you maintain range while it’s cold out. Here’s an article with more details and some pretty infographics.
Chocolate chips are easier.
Yeah, they wouldn’t need to worry about bears, but I doubt the panic would allow them the time to contemplate the phrase, “No single drop thinks it’s to blame for the flood” very much.
Tax it as part of registering your vehicle to an address within the congestion zone.
Having watched from the outside, you guys were getting more for less for decades before ACA got passed. Then, for a brief moment, things got better overall and the downward trend continued. Blaming the cause of the one blip where quality improved for some small portion of the population (estimated to be over 10 million) for the overall downward trend before and after sounds silly.
Realistically, single payer isn’t going to pass without Democrats holding the house, senate, and presidency at levels that bypass filibusters. And then the Republicans will drag their feet as much as possible to do everything they can to delay progress.
This really does fall under two umbrella cautions. There’s no such thing as a free lunch, and how are they making money? Suspicion was warranted from day one, especially if it was owned by PayPal.
Now, there are a lot of smart people on the internet who could have tracked all those messages and figured it out, like ultimately happened. I just wish they’d done it sooner.
Moving fast and breaking things can be a great R&D philosophy…when health and safety aren’t a concern or have been addressed.
If I had less morals or more energy, I’d give you a hundred upvotes.
I can only imagine OP is using this as a canary to see if the mods are still alive, because it couldn’t be more tangential to technology. Cool pic, tho.
Well, he could have just said bad actors, but then the answer would be a lot higher…
Here’s a link for those who find the previous comment as intriguing as I did. If someone has the fortitude to go on Twitter and get the full text of that post, I’d be interested in seeing it.
Just a quick nod to
my sources have all dried up
While this is handy to know, it doesn’t negate my point.
If you buy a Steam Deck, or the Lenovo laptop I have for work, the only charging options you have are USB C. Their standard chargers put out at least 60 45 W, and they aren’t particularly special. In fact, I’m pretty sure 20 W at 5 V won’t be enough to supply these while in use, so you will either be using battery with long charge times in between, using them with battery-assisted power for longer use times until you hit those long charge times, or using the 60 45 W or more at whatever voltage the chargers provide.
Self-doxxing! Makes me wonder how many of the dates would fit.
This proves that an infinite, non-repeating number needn’t contain any given finite numeric sequence, but it doesn’t prove that an infinite, non-repeating number can’t. This is not to say that Pi does contain all finite numeric sequences, just that this statement isn’t sufficient to prove it can’t.
You helped me narrow it down. I expect Adrian Thompson’s research from the 90s, referenced in this Wikipedia article is what you’re thinking of.