Why should the goal be engagement? Why not have the person provide the media for free via Peertube and accept that capitalism is bad?
Reddit refuge
Why should the goal be engagement? Why not have the person provide the media for free via Peertube and accept that capitalism is bad?
As an engineer who bills to clients but in other fields too, the company is incentivized to push their employees to do overtime because they make more money on each employee per hour even if they pay out straight time for overtime. This generally encourages companies to keep their headcount low even if they have the work to support additional staff.
The thing about forced labor is that quantity is its own quality.
You can also use certain government controlled documents as an incentive. For instance, it was common in the Soviet Union to use agricultural service as a requisite for graduation.
He doesn’t need to know, he just has to be useful to those who do know.
Yeah, and I’m sure there will still be human writers and artists. There just won’t be as many of them employed compared to today.
Art hasn’t been removed with AI. It is offering a lower quality substitution for a lower price. We aren’t smashing paintings to feed the electricity turbines to power AI. And I’ve provided examples of where people lost artistic work because of changes in technology.
And the joy is likely from being able to do more with less, which has been consistent when other technology was adopted. You don’t need to hire any one to make a drawing, you can do it on a computer. Sure, the drawing isn’t as good, just like how a photo isn’t as good as a portrait painting.
I mentioned painters as portrait artists and artists of historical record; their work has been replaced by photography.
Most animation today is done via a computer instead of being hand drawn. Some of the techniques to reuse sprites come from hand-drawn techniques from Hanna-Barbera.
Art Deco is filled with architectural elements that are mass produced with machines instead of created by skilled labor.
We’ve mechanized art to make its construction easier. AI is part of that.
Previous Cuban governments cashed the rent check; the current government hasn’t.
There isn’t an endgame.
We don’t mourn the loss of blacksmiths who put time and skill into creating a pan or pot. We don’t care about the glass blowers who are no longer hired to blow drinking glasses. We don’t miss the portrait artists who painted not just for art, but to create an historical record.
History is filled with jobs performed by skilled labor that were made redundant with technology. AI is just a point in a long line.
The issue here isn’t that the tracking link has been tampered with, but that it was done without the user’s informed consent.
Honey doesn’t advertise how it makes its money to consumers; it is just a fancy plug-in that could save you money.
Rodney Dangerfield sold aluminum siding in North New Jersey.
Moses almost got his highway through the Empire State Building.
Most congestion pricing schemes rely only on tolling the boundary and generally target central business districts with little internal traffic. The technology is there to install more internal tracking of traffic, but you’d probably push up against privacy groups and the deployment of the tech would be a lot more expensive.
But can you draw me 7 perpendicular red lines?
I don’t think it is a gendered thing, but there are societal expectations regarding men versus women that can complicate the issue
Building an org is a practical application of theoretical principles
Having seen organizations get built and operate, it is far more than just an application of theoretical principles. There are a lot of soft skills that the leaders need to develop and there may be other types of knowledge that are needed as well; for instance forming a union is probably going to require a basic understanding of labor law in the area they are in.
Not really. Building an organization is not a theoretical exercise, but a practical application that involves dealing with people. It is like saying that getting a degree in political science makes you qualified to be a politician. There is a lot in the application of politics that doesn’t perfectly align with theory.
And the person isn’t talking about setting up the organizational building online, but to know where there are resources to discuss how. There are basic strategies that are effective in building unions and union busters already know them.
You’re not wrong.
But I point it out because a lot of these decisions to create freer platforms without advertising puts the cost of creation on the creator without a way for them to make money. People want their high quality content without paying for it.