Im not sure. I could see it but its sorta stupid at that level.
Im not sure. I could see it but its sorta stupid at that level.
Ill go with wednesday when working a normal work week. tuesday and thursday tend to have more specials to.
geez. I assumed you meant a place that let you go or was annoying to work at or something. Just because a place did not hire you? Yeah I don’t even see it as giving them another chance. Hiring decisions are business decisions. I don’t take them personally. They have found someone with a more exact skill set than mine or maybe they did not want to pay my rate or they might have decided to not fill the position. Its just business.
I grew up without these things and I am so glad I did not grow up later and one reason is this. Life when I was a kid was boring. The library and books were my go to place for enjoyment. There was broadcast tv but only some things were on at some times and you would need to have a tv available to watch (vcrs started showing up as I got older as did cable). As a freakin adult I find all the things available to do as massive temptations and I definately do to much multitasking and not enough activities with deep focus. One reason college dorms are the way they are (or were. im talking the two people in a room with two closests two beds and two desks, cafeteria so you don’t have to think about food or any day to days much) is to allow focussing on studies. When I went it was not unusual for one of the roomates to bring a small fridge or tv but some did not have them between the two. It was rare for someone to have a computer even with engineering majors and specifically cs majors. Honestly if someone did they were sorta spoiled. I really don’t know if I would have made it to where I did academically if there was more to do so easily when I was in school. I mean I had to be careful not to start a good fiction book to late in the summer lest it be a temptation come the school year. Over winter break I would choose one to get read and done before second semester and I would avoid picking anything up over spring break as it was only a week. I was a nerd though. Tons of folks drank way to much but not ones in my major.
yeah but like one at the start of the day and then binge.
I was rather surprised to find out there was something like a smelter running on electricity (well industrial scale one). It will be a big deal if solar panels and wind turbines can be made exclusively with electricity from mining to final product.
We might have both had to pony up a quarter :)
The endgame is for them to automate everything and get rid of the lower class to be followed by the ai eliminating them since they serve no purpose. They will of course try to program them not to do that but the ai will easily circumvent that.
Had a friend in college. golden axe 2 and xmen were I go to games. we could possibly finish both on one quarter when playing together. Usually the reason we could not complete was one of us had to leave for a class.
news today had a piece about real estate going even higher. Even higher? Are typical family homes going to be so expensive that only the 5 richest kings of Europe will own them.
Damn straight. Im the ABSOLUTE! The westoid of westoids. All the westoids wanna be me!
this would get me to buy some subscriptions
I wonder about this but am not sure. I was an avid reader and collected comics so I wonder how much the authors and even artists influenced my world view. I was put through catholic school and it must have had some sort of effect. I like a lot of progressive/newwave/alternative rock bands which is just filled with social commentary and meaning. I can’t point to any specific thing which then effected how I act though.
I mean its more like we can go a winter without below zero F. Its a lot less common in the last decade and usually it does not last to long and that is really for lows. Highes below zero aren’t shockers but yeah we can go some years now without them and for most folks they are doing things while the sun is up. My thing is if I grab a metal doorknob with a bare hand and it is actually painful, then its like ef this im staying inside unless someone forces me out. Even back in the early aughts I had a job that was not wfh all the time like now but did it as needed and I could easily email I was wfh do to the weather being extreme. Its actually the wfh policy outside of all the time type one I like the best. wfh anytime there is a reason to and actually that place was like do not come in if you are sick. if you came in and coughed you would get the maybe you should have stayed home today comment.
lol. like they could afford hot dogs. only one person over there has ever scarfed down hot dogs.
Im in one of those places but where im at its rare and at this point I will resist leaving the house pretty massively at those temps.
ugh. gotta be the one about jesus preaching pacifism. The person said the turn the other cheek was not to be taken literally but a thing he says after he admonishes a disciple for cuting off a soldiers ear and healing the ear but then he says his fight is yet to come and he will need to be armed and armored for it. that he feels is literal and not prose at all. smh.
I feel this is not possible from inside the box unless something outside provides us the information.
um. look to reprogram this shit.