In hot weather, a furdigan should be enough.
In hot weather, a furdigan should be enough.
Noise canceling headphones plus Brownian noise.
In my case Sennheiser hd450bt.
Turn off phone data, so only regular texts from VIP can break through DND.
Solitaire, crosswords or codewords app to sleep. Voyager with pagination on if you really want to read but have an end page.
What? And lose one of the disco buttons? (along with scroll lock and num lock)
Flashing lights and a loud beep if set up right hehe.
Naah he buggered off on a plane to Spain back in the 70s.
I think I need a new username. This one’s too confusing. I do kinda feel like I’m missing a brother I never had though.
Left reddit for /kbin.
/kbin slowly decomposed.
Landed on Voyager as it was similar to RiF.
Also Voyager.
Wish it had a ‘forward’ button for when you accidentally go back one step too far. RiF had that.
Righto :)
I was thinking of usb3 hard drives. No need for internal storage if using spinning rust.
On older laptops with optical drives you can sometimes replace the drive with a sata tray and add a second drive that way.
But yes, a server that looks like a server and can recover after power loss is useful.
A cheap laptop might also be worth considering? Built in UPS that way, and sometimes UPSes have a large standby power usage. Would support a couple of bus powered drives as well.
Main drawback is no recovery if the battery drains fully.
It’s probably left over from Christmas parties where it’s been cut up and put on plates to nibble on.
The light coloured Eneloop ones seem to have the lowest self discharge. I use them in Arlec PIR sensors without issue.
Dyson hand dryers.
How something so loud can be installed in public without hearing protection beats me.
Quadrupeds can run on the front paws better than bipeds, so the sysadmin should win.