Does HDMI CEC keep the device always on? How else could it work? It’s wasting energy.
Was there any doubt this was serious?
Pretty happy with the G series, but only because the XPS series for replaced by it in terms of bang for buck. And honestly, the G series we got are pretty good.
I’m picturing cables in my head like the ones they deploy on seabeds to accommodate this 😄
When the price of those drop, the price of the ones that werent used for that purpose will also drop
So many, depends on the booted OS and what I feel like or what the kids feel like playing.
Currently doing a mix of Quake 2 single player (100%ed it on nightmare but I keep coming back to it), Half-Life deathmatch (hilarious with the kids as we try to lay out traps for eachother), Reflex Arena, Planetside 2, Age of Empires 2, OpenRA, Fortnite (kids love it so I play along), Ion Fury, Fallout 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2. Last 3 are story modes, so they take long. Only Ion Fury is linear though, so it’s easier to come back to.
Interesting and also makes me want to clarify something. “Right of way” as in “I’m allowed to do this” is not what I initially meant. The concept I’m talking about is called “Voorrang van rechts” where voorrang means right of way, but as you can see it only translates half of it. “Van rechts” means “from (the) right”. I just looked it up to get a proper full translation or equivalent, but all translations stop at “right of way”, which simply is “voorrang”. A language barrier if you will.
No, even in Europe there are small differences in rules and signs even.
In the US I believed it’s legal to pass people from the right if they are driving to your left. That’s illegal here, you can only pass from the left.
It’s also illegal to hog a lane, you must always use the right most lane when it’s free, unless you’re passing.
Doesn’t matter who got there first, person from the right gets right of way even if he came later. You approach the intersection with caution and make sure you can stop to yield should anyone come from the right.
When roads meet, whoever comes out of the street to your right has right of way. Signs can be put up to overrule this basic rule, for example when small side roads connect to a main road, but if for some reason no signs are posted, whoever comes out of that small road has right of way. Clear and simple.
Does or did? It’s not clear from the link at first glance.
Your traffic laws are weird.
Overtaking/passing on the right
4 way stops and whoever comes first can go
No strict right of way when coming from the right
Right on red
Grinding all traffic in all directions over multiple lanes to a stop when a school bus stops
At least the last one I can understand a little with the nearly non-existent pedestrian infrastructure.
I’m going out on a limb here and assume these bots don’t count as an impression, but they will market it as an opportunity to show your ad to the followers of the bot account.
That would be the KVM OS.
I believe you can hold ALT then select on Firefox when that comes up, but I don’t think I’ve seen it in years.