The one problem with that is a thing called human nature.
The one problem with that is a thing called human nature.
You’ve got four more years of the orange clown and then he’ll finally fuck off.
It’s not so much capitalism that breeds innovation, but competition. If there’s no competition, where’s the incentive for companies to innovate or improve in any way?
Take the private water companies in the UK as an example. You can’t choose a different provider, and the service they provide has been getting steadily worse over the years, to the point where they don’t improve infrastructure and we end up with Victorian pipelines pumping sewage into our rivers and seas. But nobody can change provider unless you move to a different part of the country, so there’s no incentive for the companies to improve anything.
Just tell her that if she’s ever struggling and needs a person to talk to, that she can rely on you.
That demonstrates that you’re a caring person who will be there for her if she needs it.
The Liberal Democrats in the UK are infamous for their dodgy bar charts in election leaflets, where the percentages don’t match up with the bars at all.
Similar to this:
It’s a running joke in the UK.
Did the UK Lib Dems make this bar chart?
This is a real thing with social anxiety called “mind reading”.
I hate everything to do with identity politics. All it has done is divide us even more and caused more conflict between ordinary people.
Seeing as I’d be dead either way, I’m not sure why I’d care.
The only way this post could be more Lemmy is if it mentioned Linux.
Apart from against Jews. Lemmy is obsessed with the Jews.
Only the downvotes?
What about the cheering on of murder in the street?
We are the World Champions at it.
I had to queue for about 5 minutes for the EU referendum in the UK.
If you think Apple doesn’t track you, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Society nowadays reminds me of the world Aldous Huxley envisioned in Brave New World, where we’re so bombarded with different methods of distraction that we end up like consumerist robots and are desensitised to the world around us.