Vaccination? Antibiotics? The Haber-Bosch process? Computing in general?
Nope, computers that are mediocre at pretending to be humans are clearly superior.
Your average science guy, Linux nerd, and Minecraft player. Left Reddit for this place and haven’t looked back. :)
Vaccination? Antibiotics? The Haber-Bosch process? Computing in general?
Nope, computers that are mediocre at pretending to be humans are clearly superior.
I’ve been considering starting one, but it seems like a bit of a hassle to manage.
Guess we’re never getting AGI then, there’s no way they end up with that much profit before this whole AI bubble collapses and their value plummets.
Meh, it’s just a fact that some people have better things to spend their money on. And Android phones work well for many users. The user experience is less streamlined, but they have a lot more to offer in terms of control and customization (custom ROMs, launchers, sideloading, rooting, etc). I say this as someone who has extensively used both.
Not everyone has the money for an iPhone, or is willing to deal with the walled garden that Apple products are. “Buy a new phone” is also just a really terrible response to someone asking for help.
Especially when the video is only 15 seconds long. Has the average attention span really fallen so far that one can’t wait like 10 seconds for the funny part? (The answer is yes, I know, I’ve seen kids scrolling through TikTok and skipping a video after just a second or two).
The whole idea that it violates the terms of service of a company to not let them show things on my screen without my consent is insane. It’s like if every time you went to the grocery store, the employees held you down and force fed you a free sample, then banned you from the store when you started running away from them.
Yep, SSD latency is measured in tens of microseconds. To achieve that kind of latency with a cloud service, you’d need it to be just a few kilometers away or the light propagation delay alone becomes too great.
Wouldn’t the immunity also work in reverse? A bacteria with opposite chirality wouldn’t be able to digest chiral nutrients from regular organisms (sugars, lipids, nearly all amino acids, and more). Seems like that would limit the damage it could cause to existing organisms.