She/Her, Also
Academy Award nominated character actress, clown psychiatrist, Duchess of Bay Ridge, and plastic doll.
She is all of us, yet I’m not her, but sometimes I play her on TV.
So what will be my ending?
Bluey is also from Queensland, so…close enough.
I’m a foreign good actor (to non-Australians), does that count?
Not to brag or anything, but I was nominated for a couple of acting awards in recent years.
Would taste better if it is slightly sweeter.
Oh yeah. Back home we used to call those a Spindly Jimothy.
Baldur’s Gate 4, but that’s unlikely to happen at this point.
I thought most people have tiles or vinyl/linoleum for their kitchen floor. Still, you do know that you can just remove and replace the damaged floorboard instead of sanding and varnishing the entire floor, right?
Well, I was originally here to promote a movie…