Doesnt the origianl post also treat Europe as one country?
Theres definatly SOME good to it. Hell, maybe that will help reduce the crime rate too*. From what ive heard, you are forced to learn a skill, so more skilled workers.
*Just came back from holiday. First taxi from the airport has dents in the doors from kids throwing rocks. Depressing here
I grew up with Men in Tights. My room mate grew up with Spaceballs. It was really fun to swap movies and show each other another Mel Brooks movie.
(If you dont treat those titles and movies, that sentence has a very different meaning)
Youtube always shows off all the progressive and positive aspects of Europe. Bike lanes, relable trains. Was so jealous. Then heard that my game buddy is off to manditory milatary service.
The idea that the government can take away a year of your life, and thats normal is still a tough pill to swallow.
Satisfactory made me late for work the first week I played it
I was in bed by 10 watching Friends on TV
My poops are after my coffee at 10ish, and after work at 4ish. ._. (Im not dead yet, so i guess im doing fine for now)
I have so many queations… Do you work mornings? Night shift? Maybe work from home?
A tip that didnt help me much, but it will next year:
I survived X years without (insert addiction here). I can do that again.
There are, but i cant picture 1 person with the same account over multiple devices
I can… It makes sense… Mystery solved
10 billion downloads on the Play Store.
Welp that sucked.
69 deaths in 2024 (323 school shootings in 1 year. More school shootings than school days. What are you doing there?)*
400+ billionaires the poorest is 3.3B
So 2024 had 1 Billionare death, at this rate, we need 399 more years…
*I forgot to add. Both this source and me are not american. Feel free to correct me with a more local source
Its not hard to look up school shooting fatalities, but it would be depressing
Do you think in 20-30 years time, you can do the same with a 2010s song lyric, with the answer being Baby Shark? Or is Rick Astely just too famous/infamous to be replaced?