If your desired population doesn’t respond to your social or financial status - you need to keep improving it.
Have you tried being rich?
If your desired population doesn’t respond to your social or financial status - you need to keep improving it.
Have you tried being rich?
51 --> 5+1 = 6, 6 is divisible by 3. This means that 51 is divisible by 3.
60 is divisible by 3, 60/3 = 20.
51 is 9 less than 60. 9 is divisible by 3. 9/3 = 3.
20 - 3 = 17.
I’ll go to Die Mart in Deutschland.
Pff, two years. Used to do that shit all the time when I was a kid. It always worked.
“Created” meaning stolen from labor that is undercompensated, or just outright stolen. “Destroyed” meaning the purported wealth was never real in the first place.
Wealth is defined by resources: access to resources, and ownership of resources. Resources are finite; wealth is finite.
There are plenty of resources in the world to comfortably support all of the people living in the world right now, plus many, many more. Those who own or have access to resources are wealthy. Those who do not, are not.
Those who control the resources extend that control over people who need resources. If there were no people who didn’t have a deficit of resources, then there would also be no people exerting social control based on control of resources.
To accomplish that, most of the resources that the wealthy control must be removed from their control, shifting that control equitably among all. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need, one might say.
Wealth is finite, so yes.
Password length is more secure than complexity.
At least if you ever forget it, they’ll be able to email it to you.
Whatever your existing dynamic with this coworker is, keep it the same. More than enough people are going to be backing away because they don’t want to do “the wrong thing,” or getting unnecessarily closer because they want to “be supportive.” Those are both just extra changes she’ll have to deal with along with the loss of her mother.
Offer stability. You can even explain this out loud to her directly.
“Proud black queer momma of 2 & truth-teller,”
This sounds like a caricature.
I learned a tiny bit of ASL in college from hanging out with a few deaf people, then some more when we had kids and bought a bunch of kids’ sign language DVDs. Little kids are able to do some signing earlier than they’re able to manage speech, and I know that helped our kids to communicate when they were super young.
(You know all this, but I felt like saying it for the passers-by.) I know that a mistake hearing people often make is thinking that sign language is just a word-for-word substitution for whatever spoken language is primary where you live. It’s really a different language, grammar and all, definitely including those “combination” signs you’re talking about.
I seem to recall that there are rhymes in ASL, where signs for two things have similar motions/shapes/speeds.
That’s why Carter went to his rest. Too old to play with Lego.
But you can dissolve your victims in the first one.
You have now confirmed that there is a person behind the phone number.
Anyone who says “You’ll understand when you’re older” is older and doesn’t understand either.
That’s what you will understand when you’re older.
Dead Internet Theory on purpose.
Need a dead man’s switch app for everyone. Miss a switch? Server side alerts your selected contacts that your shit is all fucked up.