Potentially adopting a cat. He put his head in my mouth at the shelter. I was sold.
This one is wierd. I like him. And, There’s no way this one is surviving without human intervention.
He lives with us. He’s a good boy.
This was frankly the reply I needed. I keep asking around as if there is some magic answer didn’t think of. I feel silly expecting different results for something that isn’t my my option to solve.
But I want to look for that magic answer. I want it to exist so badly.
His rugs are gross. I want to.
I did not know you could edit titles after they were posted
Probably planting trees as effectively it’s free to scatter seeds you find.
I don’t have a TV. That’s why the nest thing is so odd. It does seem like it would bw fun to tinker around with.
No, because the data would still need to find a way to google services
I’m not running TOR on the nest. That would be dumb. I’m mentioning this is coming from a whole other end of technology. I like privacy. Google is not very private.
I just prefer it to not get pre-aggrigated results.
They are fantastic for the disabled. Everyone I know whonis disabled has the Amazon ones for some reason.
That’s what my friend said too. I work in the tech industry, but gosh do I find it creepy more and more. And if you talk about it being pervasive, you get called paranoid.
Yeah. I already informed them I don’t feel comfortable with it in the house. But I’m also the type to use TOR on all my devices. So I don’t know how paranoid that came off as.
I think I am going to try to trace down where they got it from. I’m thinking Walmart so, they may take it without a receipt I hope.
People keep giving me steak house gift cards.
I’m a vegetarian. I can only eat a roll there.
I wish I could eat eggs. They absolutely wreck my stomach. Pretty sure that I am allergic.