Read The Principles of Communism and Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels. People usually recommend The Communist Manifesto as an introduction, but in my honest opinion it can be skipped entirely. (These can all be read for free on, and there might even be Portugese translations on there)
Also, the youtube channel Socialism For All has a lot of audiobooks of Marxist texts, although they are in English.
The podcast Revolutionary Left Radio is worth checking out.
Read The Principles of Communism and Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels. People usually recommend The Communist Manifesto as an introduction, but in my honest opinion it can be skipped entirely. (These can all be read for free on, and there might even be Portugese translations on there)
Also, the youtube channel Socialism For All has a lot of audiobooks of Marxist texts, although they are in English.
The podcast Revolutionary Left Radio is worth checking out.