My goal has been for ages to lose weight. Biking to work was not feasible for time efficiency reasons. I gave up Coke (for something better). Now the food season is upon us and despite some progress I’m back where I was last year. So now I got a stationary bike for in front of the TV. It costs as much as a year of gym, but I can do it anytime. At least that’s the theory.
Also I’m probably going to pay for a dating app now. My request for friends and family to take pictures of me has largely gone unfulfilled, though.
Welp, there’s always next year!
Wir sprechen Kraut, bitte sehr.
I used to be able to read during car rides. While going on holidays, I read the half blood prince to my family. The whole car was in tears and I had to take a break. Dad was driving; no clue how much his vision was impaired…