But there wasnt a socialist revolution since the sticker was placed
But there wasnt a socialist revolution since the sticker was placed
There are still blacksmiths and portrait artists
Every single form of socialism has been tried?
Even Christian anarchism? Even Posadism? Even Queer anarchism?
Also, your answer is anarcho-capitalism?
I didnt know i was living in a communist country
Its also strange that there are anti-communist stickers in a communist country
Hasnt that been added in bedrock edition?
Notch has a track record of announcing things he wouldnt add
I am still waiting for fortress mode to be added to Minecraft, for the planned dlc and for the game to be licensed under an open source license
Last time i tried XFCE, i had a terrible experience
But that might be because i was playing minecraft with 300 mods on a laptop that could barely open the launcher
No, it just removes the last game, the one called “sauid game”
I love GNOME and hate KDE
When i switched from Windows to Linux, i wanted actual changes, not just a slightly different look
Unrelated question: does anyone know how to show the time in fullscreen or merge the bar with window close button with the top bar with the screen so there arent 2 different bars in GNOME?
Stardew Valley is currently the 15th most purchased game according to wikipedia
You have to pay to upvote something?
Will people in the future hide Baby Shark links?
To not have to buy and carry around several different cables for your devices
How do you think Marx was able to make his ideology so popular? He invented Christmas to instill communist ideals into the minds of everyone who celebrates the holiday
Hollow knight
Im not sure if lootsnake counts since the game is in the pre-alpha stage and all development has been paused
If a game has multiplayer, it most likely has DRM
Terraria and Cuphead are games i know dont work because of that
A lot of steam games dont have drm
You would lose only most of your library, not all of it
The best historians invent time travel if a part of history is too boring