I didn’t mean to imply one was better than the other, just that someone interested in getting into it should know it’s not all the same.
I actually prefer VHF/UHF, there’s just something about the mobility of it that I like so much more. But I live in an area where storms or tornadoes are the main threat, not hurricanes. If we have a disaster, we just need to coordinate, or maybe ask for help from the next town.
If something widespread hits us, I know guys who often get up at 3am because some HF band is supposed to be open. I’ll let them handle that.
Yeah, no problem. Most ham radios are set up to use 12 volts so they can be installed in a vehicle. They don’t need a lot of power. But if you’re using it at home with normal 120v power (from the power company or from a generator) you actually have to get a power supply to feed it 12 volts. This is a cheap one: https://www.amazon.com/Regulated-Converter-Interface-Amplifiers-TOPPOWER-PS1330A/dp/B0CZP5C2PY?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&gQT=1
You could also hook it up to a 12v battery and use the generator to charge the battery.