Exactly! I’m too busy with OTHER stupid bullshit to add any more stupid bullshit.
Get a job as a cashier at Marnie’s. Lord knows she’s never there!
I hear you 100%!
I’m 43 now, so for about half my life we didn’t have constant distraction in our pockets. I’m also ADHD, so I completely understand pulling out the phone to send a text and ending up on Social Media for an hour and STILL never sent the text.
That sounds like a question for future You.
You just got moved, and the boss seems nice, right? Settle into that for now. Focus on the new routine and see where it takes you. You may enjoy your new role or meet some new people that would make all this worrying pointless.
Also, sometimes people just make mistakes. It’s not always a vendetta against you.
I want to know how to cast magic spells.
Wouldn’t be surprised. Especially since the monarchs are used to everybody bending to their will, a prince having a tantrum probably didn’t go to time out.
Honestly, it was probably more the fact that you walked in shouting “I WANT TO SLEEP WITH THE CHILDREN!”
This makes sense. If funds are allocated to housing the elderly, you could lose your funding if you just let anyone in.
Nah, we’ll say the same thing there.
No, you’re not the first to ask, and the answer is usually “Good. Maybe you could use more time away from Reddit.”
I didn’t think anyone did.
Bears vs Squirrels was some of THE BEST multiplayer for it’s time.
Staying up all night playing GoldenEye.
“Your selected password is already being used by SwiftyFan05. Please choose another password.”
Meh. Someone might learn some of my naughty preferences, but I don’t think anything would ruin me.
I like to add a “let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” It’s a little bit more than just “I’m sorry”.
I’m assuming that you would be willing to help if you can. It would be pretty shitty to say if you didn’t mean it.
The difference would be “How do you think we can prevent this in the future?” Vs “What the fuck were you thinking?!?”
Both questions are trying to figure out what went wrong, but one of them is more pleasant.
Honest answer: Because that sounds terrible.
I’m not going to waste my time cooking food that I won’t eat at it’s prime, just so it can take up my fridge space until I inevitably ruin it with a microwave later in the week.
Also, storing and reheating good creates MUCH more potential for contamination and food borne illness.
I can pay for my lunch with the money I make in the first half hour of the day. It’s not breaking the bank.
A true patriot.