Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • there is a easy way to synchronize your YouTube and PeerTube channel

    No there isn’t anymore. yt-dlp, what all those syncing tools rely one, is basically fucked at this point. Youtube has made it fucking impossible to grab content off their platform and it’s really damn annoying. Even for my private IP address, I’ve earned what seems to be a permanent ban from Youtube.

    Every video shows either this…

    Or I login, and it only shows me the first 60 seconds of content before it just buffer loops forever

    But I wouldn’t want to sync the content from youtube anyway… Youtube compresses the shit out of everything.

    I get your point. It’s not hard for them to make a second post of the same video content to another platform. Many just don’t see the value in it. I agree that at least FUTO should see the point of putting it up… Hell I’m even willing to share the load in the bandwidth (with my own instance that’s currently up and running). Is what it is.

  • If so, that’s pathetic and weird.

    Pathetic and weird is complaining about downvotes when they don’t even tally up anywhere. So not only were they meaningless to begin with, they’re not even as useful as they are on Reddit.

    I did downvote, not because of disagreeing with me, but because

    The issue with LXC is that it doesn’t set the software up for you.

    is factually wrong in this context. You can absolutely distribute software in an LXC. I even pointed you directly at one such repository of hundreds of images that do exactly that. And they’re repeatable and troubleshoot-able all the same. The script that a dev would publish would be doing literally the same exact thing as a dockerfile.

    A dockerfile is just a glorified script. Treating it as if it’s something different is intellectually dishonest. Anything in a docker can be edited/modified the same as an LXC. docker exec -it <> /bin/bash puts a user in the same position as being in an LXC container. Once again. Aside from some additional networking stuff, Docker was literally based on LXC and is more or less functionally the same. Even in their own literature they only claim that they’ve enhanced LXC by adding management to it… ( Except Proxmox can manage an LXC just fine… LXD as well.

    As far as CI/CD stuff… It works on LXC containers as well… Here’s an example from 3 years ago that I found literally in 10 seconds searching for LXC ci/cd

    Also you can even take a DOCKERFILE and other OCI compliant images and push them directly into an LXC natively. (Create LXC containers using docker images section).

    like pretty much the entire development community does?

    This is also a bullshit appeal/fallacy. The VAST majority of development communities don’t use ANY form of containerization. It’s only a subset that works on cloud platforms that now push into it… It’s primarily your exposure to self-hosted communities that makes you believe this. But it’s far (really far) from true. Most developers I work with professionally have no idea what docker is other than maybe have heard about it from somewhere or another. It’s people like me who take their shit and publish it into a container and show them that they understand and learn more about it. And even in that environment, production tends to not be in docker at all (usually kubernetes, Openshift, Rancher, or other platforms that do not use the Docker Runtime) but that choice is solely up to the container publisher.

    I didn’t like docker for the longest time

    Good for you? I see docker as a useful tool for some specific stuff. But there’s very few if any cases where I would take Docker over an LXC setup, even in production. I don’t hate or love docker (or LXC for that matter). However… I find I get better performance, lower overhead, and better maintainability with LXC. So that’s what I use. I don’t delude myself that LXCs are somehow not containers… and that Docker does anything different than any other container platform.


    Docker doesn’t setup anything for you either without a dockerfile (which is literally just a list of commands to setup the docker container).

    There’s no reason that a script cannot be used in the exact same way for an LXC container. To that point… There’s already a repo of stuff to do exactly that. Which I’ve linked above.


    A docker is a distribution method for the software, not the operating system

    And yet most docker containers first lines are something line “FROM Alpine”… Much the same that an LXC would be. Last I checked Alpine is an OS…

    Keep in mind that docker used to be based on LXC… and they fulfill virtually the same niche, outside of Docker having more obfucated shit for networking (specifically inter-container networking).

  • You underestimate how much knowledge it actually takes to do selfhosting stuff. To truly explain things. This stuff is clearly aimed at really low prerequisite knowledge people. It’s only with pre-req knowledge that you can skip out on a lot of content. This is the exact same complaint I got when I was teaching certain 100 level courses at a major university… 135 hours of coursework just to get students to a baseline competence on a number of introductory topics for IT… 14 hours for basic self-hosting knowledge is likely not enough to actually be sufficient either (which is likely why they specifically hamstring the options and go straight for using just one specific software)… But it takes time to explain all the items that goes into everything you need to know for self-hosting.

  • It’s a 70/30 split. 30% of the video I watch will have issues. And those videos will often spend more time buffering than playing the video.

    And nearly 100% of the content I watch should be in youtube’s caching system. As I almost universally watch new releases from my subscription page and don’t tend to let the algorithm recommend anything to me. This has been my normal for years.

    Except lately it’s gone up to nearly 100%. I can’t load a damn thing anymore (as of the past month or so). It just sits and spins, multiple devices including phone on cell network. I can only get phone to work using something like Grayjay.

    You can claim that my ISP interchange might be at fault… But that wouldn’t explain why I have no issues with virtually any other platform on the entirety of the internet that I exchange packets with. This would still be squarely youtube’s fault. My ISP is one of the big ones, Lumen (Centurylink/Quantum). Lumen owns backhaul. A lot of backhaul. While it’s possible my local interchange is completely crammed full in other situations, I happen to know it’s not. We’re not even 1/4 of the way through their build out in my area. And the fiber goes straight to the head end for my area. There’s capacity galore.

    What’s likely, and has already been cited is the fact that youtube has been waging war again firefox for a long time. It’s well documented. Further Google also has a history of targeting specific users where an account simply being logged in will achieve the same effect of constant buffering.

    Youtube is bad. Here’s the kicker… Other platforms? Never have an issue. Twitch, Odysee, Rumble (Cringe platform, but a couple people I watch went there even though I wish they went elsewhere), hell even most peertube instances work with better results than Youtube does for me.

    At this point I’m not interested in help fixing it. It’s clear there’s no helping Youtube. The platform is broken, both in the business sense and technologically.