That makes sense, and I think it literally just is the Deustchian model at least according to this source. It’s been a long time since I read the original paper so I guess I misremembered it as a slightly different thing, though further reading suggests this might be a flawed explanation of his own theory, so I’m just thoroughly confused now haha.
I can think of a number of problems with how it would work, depending on the way you set it up it could result in something like “wormholes” to the future just randomly opening up constantly and everywhere just due to the way probability works. There are certainly a lot of interesting mathematical phenomena that arise from time travel like that.
You know how the universe isn’t broken? Well it’s possible it could break and you can’t predict or stop it.
A slightly higher level explanation is that the universe might be in this state which is like a ball sitting in a little divot on the side of a hill, and if something bumps it out of that divot it could roll to the bottom. If that ball rolls to the bottom then it could cause particles to stop behaving the way we expect them to so things like chemistry and life stop being possible.