True as well, impossible to find a note on Joplin using only the filesystem.
True as well, impossible to find a note on Joplin using only the filesystem.
Beware of Joplin: saved files ate not native MD files. They have MD extension but internally are quite different.
Still plain text files in a way, but not usable with a different editor easily.
+1 for Silverbullet too!
Paired with markor on android and syncrhing is my to go solution.
I could use silverbullet on android directly as well but for some reason I prefer a native editor there.
Only the one written by the original Dev. There are others like syncthing fork.
Its still a perfectly viable solution for android.
My solution is on web, syncthing + native markdown editor (Markor on Android). - yes sincthing is still very well alive on android, there is at least one android client still actively developed AFAIK.
Because Joplin is (IMHO) slow and does not store notes in plain markdown but its own format, even if it’s called .MD, it’s not markdown.
Also, is really something unique, worth trying even if a bit more nerdy. defederated with many interesting instances.
No piracy communities for example!
I couldn’t stand it.
I am the only (AFAIK) Italian instance and pretty happy. No censorship.
I don’t know how people from stand it, honestly.
Yeah, definitely some fat is needed…
But I can see hordes of healthy people looking for fatless meat, as they already do I the supermarkets.
Not really possible. Play sport at top pro level requires such a specialization than will not work out for any significantly different sport.
Take triathletes for example. The best ones still suck at any of the three sports individually…
A top swimmer will have a totally different body from a tip cyclist or a top runner.
Yes, absolutely. No risk of virus or bacteria, or worse…
Grown to the size you want…
Of the shape and type you want…
No fat (maybe?)…
What’s not to like.
I installed from fdroid, I expect it to be still available as far as it will work…
And I guess somebody will build and keep publishing it just not on google play, which is anyway a cesspool nowadays, so no big deal.
Me, my gf and her mother.
Never again.
(No, not in a sexual way, not between me and the mother at least…)