I help pay for my instance to run, nothing is free but there is freeloading. Otherwise someone is else pays for the electricity that powers my server requests as I shitpost on lemmy
I help pay for my instance to run, nothing is free but there is freeloading. Otherwise someone is else pays for the electricity that powers my server requests as I shitpost on lemmy
Was this an orange kitten?
Had a big lovable but kind of dumb orange boy growing up who did the same thing and suffered the same bath fate
That sounds super funny and cute
Happen to have this on video?
They see Reddit pulling off having bots steer discourse and they’re green with envy. I can’t imagine it not being something like this
How could you forget to mention the dumbest name for a MacGuffin ever, “Unobtainium”?
It’s so bad that it belongs on mystery science theater 3000
Brave New World
In some ways we’re already living it
Was just looking at something like how to execute on that this morning as my morning coffee dive down an internet rabbit hole.
There’s this guy named Michael Bazzell who used to make a podcast about stuff like this, and he also wrote a book called Extreme Privacy that I thumbed through this morning. He talks about where to go to get a ghost address, how to buy and set up a cell phone to be virtually anonymous, how to buy a house anonymously or how to re-title your car to a trust or LLC, and pretty much everything in between. Even talks about what information to not divulge when you go to the ER and details what to consider you put on your kids birth certificate.
So if anyone is paranoid enough to know how to avoid getting suicided, I’m going to bet on this guy’s advice
Picking up trash is a crime now?