People are stupid
Walmart fails to moderate the reviews
People are stupid
Walmart fails to moderate the reviews
Break that shit into parts.
I have experienced this far too many times.
Projectors are also a thing.
Your links don’t work with Sync. Everyone else’s do.
Fortunately, no. Otherwise I’d probably still be with one of them.
All of them. Drug abuse, jealousy issues, drug abuse, one was a scientologist, another one abused drugs…
Josh Johnson has been coming up
Always has been. They’re simply not hiding it any more.
You are the dog surrounded by fire saying “This is fine”.
I’m in too much pain right now to locate the image.
I can’t stay on the path I’ve been on the last couple of years. This path is a damn circle, and that’s no good!
Or No Man’s Sky?
It seems more active now. Which has been great!
If you haven’t yet, try /r/FeltGoodComingOut
I agree but “kink” implies it’s sexual satisfaction and OP hasn’t stated that. But yeah, it’s wrong to downvote OP for asking.
Good points. I wonder if they would try to enslave each other.
The outcome would be the same. If the 1% survived some event, they wouldn’t be able to survive on their own and would thus die out. It would just take a little longer for them.
Works now! I’m using Sync, if that matters.
I’m on the yoga train. Specifically downward dog into a bunch of cat/cow’s mixed in with other stuff.