• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I imagine what happened to them is the same as most regular people. Some of them found a career they may or may not enjoy, got married to someone out of love or fear of being alone, popped a couple kids, and are now relaxing while watching a sports game on the TV.

    School was over a decade ago, kids are shitheads with raging hormones flowing through their underdeveloped brains and usually a good heaping of unresolved neglect/abuse causing further emotional issues. Point is, I don’t care to hold hate in my heart for people who dont even exist anymore as they once were and ive moved on. I hope they found what they want out of life.

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt do be like that
    10 days ago

    Physics is just applied math and math is just abstract physics without universal constraints.

    They are two sides of the same coin that is universal logic, which views fundimental abstract concepts and the arrangement/ change of physical structures as equally important in its operations.

    Maybe the distinction between prime number and boson breaks down at some level of reality as pure information packaged in slightly different ways. The same laws that govern the fractal dance between order and entropy build similar geometries whether working with imaginary numbers in the complex plane or arranging base atoms into higher orders of being within in the observable universe.

    Thanks to Gödel’s incompleteness theorem at least we know we will never really have a complete picture of the truth of it.

  • Don’t watch any more videos. No more instruction and forced repetition of songs that already exist. Just play and play and play at least 10 minutes a day. Strum your fingers, listen to the sounds you are making, try to find pleasant ways to stitch together chords and strums into unique novel arrangements. Don’t try to memorize twinkle twinkle or your favorite song. Make something new with the pallette you have unlocked in yourself.

    A lot of music instrument people are academic theorist in their mentality. It saddens me to see creative types take what should be beautiful expressions of spontaneous whimsy and turns playing into dry formalized literature. Theres a reason its called playing the guitar and not working the guitar.

    If you spend your time trying to learn the ‘right way’ as defined by so called guitar experts, you’ll never experience learning how to play your way. Theres joy in finding new chords by chance, learning how to turn cacauphany into melody by sheer practice over the months/years and feeling the music come from inside. The art ends up more authentic and original that way, I feel.

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldWerk werk
    10 days ago

    Ill take the L on not knowing that psychical was a word. However you and the other person seem to not be acknowledging that the poster did in fact misspell the word they admitted they aren’t a native english speaker. Thats a detail thats very easy to to actively ignore while on your way to ‘bhut acthually’ someone. As a final thought, I went to google trends to see how many people search up ‘psychical’, theres not even enough searches using that word to form statistical trends. Ive never heard of it before someone accidentally misspelled their way into it and almost certainly I will never hear it again after this conversation is done. Its a dead word like many in the english language. That doesn’t matter, the armchair linguist got the chemicals flowing in your brain from correcting someone on the internet, you got what you came for now fuck off.

  • The nightmare before christmas. IDK maybe i’ve been exposed to it too much but I have never gotten an ounce of enjoyment watching the movie. The songs are lame and the plot is mind numbingly simple, you know so the kids can follow. So many people in my life just love it and want to make watching it every year for both halloween and christmas a tradition thing. I don’t want to be a kill joy so I power through it every year. Im so tired of it though, How many more times do I have to hear that barrage of stupid disney sing songs just to spend time with my loved ones? “WhAt’s ThiS TheRes WhitE Stuff EverYWHEre!” Fuck you jack skellington you sheltered prick. Its called cocaine and its how santa and his elves get shit done. Now travel around a few other holiday trees and do some world building so Disney can pump out a half baked sequel else they might go for a live action remake starring photorealistic cgi stitched together corpses.

  • Lets be real here, young adults (I.E toddlers and teenagers) aren’t exactly the most critical readers or familiar with judging literary quality. The writers of books targeted at young adults know this, and tend to not do more work than they have to on plot and world building. Go ahead and write me a five paragraph essay on the value that Warriors added to the medium. No child read warriors for the themes, they read it for the premise of anthropromorphic cat drama and as fuel for their first role-play world building sessions. YA novels are the literary version of comfort food, enjoyable for those that like the taste but you would be foolish for expect a fufilling rich plot with well thought out characters.

  • I used to freak out at every scratch and dent that happened to my guitar. Now I realize that scratches and dents and damage is proof of a unique existance. Each scratch is a link to a certain moment. Even the planet and moon must bear the scars of their long lives. a fundamental truth that cannot be avoided, so why cry over spilled milk and get nutty over chips of wood? Does it still play? If yes then its still good.

    In fairness I understand that the 1k$+new is the main source of frustration, its harsh to have your expensive shiny new toy to play with tarnished.

  • I try to use mobile web versions saved as an app shortcut. When you install a real app it usually comes with a bunch of permissions needed and trackers collecting your info in the background. Bad for privacy and battery life. Classyshark helps scan the trackers and a firewall can disable wifi access on app by app basis but thats a lot more trouble than just not installing a bunch if junk apps.The exception is that I trust open source software from fdroid with a public github repo.