So that’s what flying saucers are….
So that’s what flying saucers are….
I agree. It succeeded as a history lesson, but part of that success was it being boring as fuck.
Felt the same way about Contagion. Very realistic depiction of how a pandemic plays out. And I cared about exactly zero characters and can’t even really remember what happens because it’s narrative was totally un-gripping.
I would argue the examined Christmas is hard to celebrate.
They do to people with poor discipline/self-control/bad judgment.
Mouth noises and ASMR stuff. Makes me want to break things. Condition’s called misophonia.
I think most people would agree with the following: even if you feel the cartoon was in poor taste or was “punching down,” the shooting was a terrorist act that just served to reinforce the worst stereotypes about Muslims and—ironically—the offending cartoon itself.
Opinions can vary about the cartoon, but that’s the point of defending satire and free speech; what’s completely indefensible is violence that clearly isn’t in the service of self-defense. People who quibble about the definition of self-defense and even skirt the idea that the terrorists in this incident had a right to do what they did, in my opinion, are likely either sophomoric contrarians or bad faith actors intentionally trying to muddy the waters, akin to some far-right militia members on conservative subreddits.