What about Judaism?
Uhm look at Zionists? Seriously?
Just because you think these religions are fine with comedy (they’re not but those voices are miniscule) doesn’t mean they’re fine with everything you say about those religions.
What about Judaism?
Uhm look at Zionists? Seriously?
Just because you think these religions are fine with comedy (they’re not but those voices are miniscule) doesn’t mean they’re fine with everything you say about those religions.
It’s not an unpopular opinion if we look at declining viewership of news channels or readers canceling newspaper subscriptions.
Why doesn’t the same happen for Hinduism?
Are you sure about that? Do you even know what is happening in India ever since Modi’s party got into power? Please don’t talk out of your ass.
Yes, it’s called Windows 7.
On the other side, if you do double down and get vulgar then you’ll find lot of racists joining in with you. That’s the dilemma of criticizing or satirizing Islam while also staying away from xenophobes.
Juyzt sprynkle some 'y’s and 'z’s whyle talking wyth them.
to be able to search through all my documents with nothing but a sentence or idea of what I’m looking for
Like this?
Oh like Shazam
It listens to music being played on other devices? I haven’t seen it on my phone.
And yet my android phone is able to detect what song is playing 24x7
What is this referring to? Spotify?
They’re one of the good ones… 🙄
So you were proven wrong and you’re going to double down? Great strategy.
It made it about this mostly fictitious investigation before Congress because of a pretty feud
Was J. Robert Oppenheimer stripped of his security clearance due to his Communist ties?
Yes. The controversial Oppenheimer security hearing at the heart of both the movie and the book on which it is based took place in 1954 toward the end of McCarthyism, a campaign that targeted suspected Communists and Communist sympathizers. Oppenheimer’s hearing was conducted by the United States Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
To stop even more dust…? Are you someone who also thinks we shouldn’t do things unless they’re going to work 100%?
What kind of dumb gotcha is this?
It has no value except as nostalgia bait for Americans and propaganda for those who want to believe in the myth of American individual exceptionalism.
If anything, Forrest Gump is a satire of The American Dream^^^TM
Only guy to have such a successful life without doing anything unethical is a mentally challenged, politically unaware, and extremely lucky, who does everything he’s told without questioning it.
People understood and solved the ‘dust on flatware’ issue long ago.
No, they didn’t. I live in a dusty city and dust gets in everywhere, no matter how tightly you pack it.
I don’t think so…
Then you’re wrong and you should do some thinking
While audiences will probably recognise actress Ellen Burstyn among the faces - who is later revealed to be portraying old Murph - the rest are all total unknowns.
The reason for that? They’re not actors at all, but real life survivors of the Great Depression, who are actually speaking about the Dust Bowl catastrophe of the 1930s.
More to the point, Nolan wasn’t lucky enough to film this footage himself: he borrowed it - with permission, of course - from legendary documentarian Ken Burns’ 2012 docu-series The Dust Bowl.
Even in this scene?