“A team of hitmen” LMAO!
Proud anti-fascist & bird-person
“A team of hitmen” LMAO!
If you want to get better, you have to practice every single day.
You’re going to suck at first, but then you’re going to suck less. You have to learn enjoy the process, which it sounds like you do, so great! I like to break up my play time into practicing something new and having fun; they’re both important.
One thing I’ve found is that keeping my guitar out and on the wall makes it a lot easier to get started playing, even if I don’t feel like it at the time. Once I’m about five minutes into playing, I’m into it.
Oh, and practice with a metronome. Most guitarists suck at rhythm (myself included). Using a metronome beats it into your head.
Same, honestly. I’d kill for a remaster or a proper sequel.
Loved Freelancer! Did you try the Everspace games? They’re the closest to a spiritual successor that I’ve played.
Go to a thrift store like a real punk and find something cool & unique.