The original did. He did a remix that came out in the early 2000s.
The original did. He did a remix that came out in the early 2000s.
How do they know what qualifies as “encrypted” vs a binary blob that could be a photo or something?
I think they way most people see it is that anyone in their right mind has a point where murder is okay. WWII, for example - the vast majority of people understand it was okay to kill Nazis. The context was that the world had no choice but to go to war with them. It was either kill or be killed.
We’re in the same situation here in the United States. Our political system is broken. Politicians are bought and sold by the 1%, and they will continue to kill us en masse no matter how many peaceful protests we join and whoever we vote for.
Competing with ice and snow can be far less stressful, dangerous, and depressing than competing with other humans and tons of other species.
capitaliststhe upper class / those in power. This exists in communism and every other system as well.