Coming Soon: A subscription model where you pay $10 a month for the ability to use your $450 battery swapper.
Coming Soon: A subscription model where you pay $10 a month for the ability to use your $450 battery swapper.
Cricket here. The service is relatively cheap, they offered a bunch of phones for cheap/free (with a new account), and I’ve never had any issues with the quality of the service/signal. I like not being locked into anything. The monthly bill hasn’t changed in years, and that’s nice too.
The only “real” album that came out in 2024 that I listened to start-to-finish was Hyperdrama by Justice. It got a lot of flak online for being “uninspired” etc etc, but I think that mostly speaks to how great their first two studio albums were. The opening track on this one features Tame Impala and has an equally awesome music video.
After that, second place would be a tie between two 2024 live albums: ¡Blow it … at Madison’s Quinceañera! by Me First and The Gimme Gimmes and Beast of Horns by They Might Be Giants. I got the latter on vinyl for Christmas and it’s a lot of fun if you’re a fan.
Return to Moria for me. I picked it up for free from Epic recently and it’s all I’ve played since. Going solo and I just made it to the Pilgrim Road waypoint.
They really nailed the Lego game formula on that one. Truly a love letter to Peter Jackson’s films and with all the silly Lego game humor. I finally 100%'d it last year, then went right onto Lego The Hobbit (almost as good!).
Everytime a new Borderlands game comes out (just the major ones), I’ve replayed the original before getting into the new one. All the sequels have at least one interesting variation on the formula, but none have matched the atmosphere and pacing of the original for me.
Big overlap with the “I liked Rage Against The Machine, until they started getting political” crowd.
App Update: Fitness tracker permissions can now tell when you are sleeping, so the app only plays ads when you are awake and actively looking at your device.