laptops are going to USB-C
laptops are going to USB-C
Are you saying that your driver’s license number contains your name? Do you get a new number if you change your name?
Generally the lower the deductible, someone is paying more upfront. How that is split between employer and employee is unknown to me. My last two jobs have had similar high deductible plans.
'if you need anything, let me know."
But now you’re paying your bills with post tax dollars instead of pretax.
The main difference is FSA is use it or lose it. I got Lasik many years ago because I had 1 month to use $2000 in my FSA.
HSA is like a 401k that you can deduct from immediately for medical needs.
My company has high deductible plan with $1800 deductible and another with $3600 deductible. I just divide those by 12 and add to monthly premium when comparing against HMO/PPO plans.
I’m single and old.
I save money with the HSA/high deductible. I always plan around using 100% of deductible. Premium plus HSA contribution is less than the PPO option.
I’ll never pick an 80/20 plan. They generally charge more and cover less.
And I’m an old hag and have recently got cataract surgery in both eyes, hearing aids, etc.
I thought Waterworld was fine.
Pooping is one of life’s simple pleasures.
Sunday night football would be done about 9:30pm
My dad was in the masons in three different countries. Locally they sponsored a few college scholarships and nationally they are best known for their hospitals.
Both parents were in a sister organization called the Order of the Eastern Star. None of the kids had any interest in either.
flip it upside down and repeat.
Tesla Model 3. Didn’t know Elon was a raging nazi back then.
I’m glad for you too. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if my parents had stayed in one of three countries we lived in before settling in the US.
Nothing a trip through the blender can’t fix.